CheapDuino is the most cheapest Arduino compatible processor in the world. It's aimed to supply a low cost processor for the students and DIYers from second and third world countries.The price for each cheapDuino controller is almost 1/5 price of the Arduino UNO. So it's also suitable for you to DIY custom project,workshop,gift for friend,E-Textiles and education usage.
- Working voltage: 3~5 volts
- Recommended power supply: 5v
- Microctonroller: Atmel AVR ATmega8
- bootloader(Board option in Arduino IDE): Arduino NG / w ATmega8
- 3 digital pins, 3 analog pins with easy-to-solder hexagonal pads
- Integrate 3 pwm pins,I2C interface and UART interface
- Suitable for workshop,education usage and DIY custom projects
- Low cost Arduino compatible controller
- Designed for the students and DIYers from second and third world countries
- Dimensions: 2cm x 2cm x 0.2cm
Pinout Diagram
Connection Diagram
- When plugin the fpc programming cable to DFRobot FPC programmer and cheapDuino, please the blue side facing upward.
Example Code
- Choose the right com port of your programmer in the Arduino IDE first.
- Choose "Arduino NG or older /w ATmega8" in the "Boards" option.
- Then just upload your arduino sketch to the cheapDuino. The "Blink" sketch will be used to drive the LED connected to the D13 pin onboard.
Q1. How is it programmed? For the board, I've selected Arduino NG or Older and Processor is Atmega8. I'm using the adapter board that came with the Cheapduino. With no luck I've tried an FTDI Basic and a Bus Pirate configured as an STK500v2...
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