DFRobot IO_Expansion_Shield_for_Arduino_V7_SKU_DFR0265


RS485 IO Expansion Shield for Arduino


The new IO Expansion Shield V7 has arrived, and comes the best selling family of IO expansion shield for Arduino. For the past few years these expansion shields have been aiding thousands of makers to create,to expand, to share their sparkles of idea and ingenuity, and now comes the young V7.

The new IO Expansion Shield V7 not only inherits it's predecessors advantages, but also enjoys numerous new features:



Introduction for Digital pins

LED: there is an onboard LED, please connect the LED to Digital pin 13 (D13).

D&A: new version IO expansion shield printed with "D" and "A".

"D": Represents a digital signal. That is, connect to the digital pins of mainboard. "A": Represents an analog signal. That is, connect to the analog pins of mainboard.

Compared with limited power-supply interfaces in mainly mainboards, IO Expansion Shield increase a large amount of power-supply interfaces and GND pins. Therefore, users no need to worry about the shortage of pwer supply interfaces when connecting many modules.

Special description of the color distinction in DF:

Color Function
Green Digital Signal
Blue Analog Signal
Red VCC(+)
Black GND(-)

User Guide

Two Available Situations

1.There are device connected to digital pins, such as in some robot platforms that use multiple servos, resulting in a situation where the current is too low to work properly. In this case, the current can be replenished by a 5V external power supply.

2.When the digital pin is connected to a device that requires a larger power supply, it can be connected directly to a 5 to 12V extenal power supply in this interface.



Q&A Some general Arduino Problems/FAQ/Tips
Q I inserted an xbee module on the expansion board, then switched the extension board to Prog, but it still failed to upload, how to solve it?
A It may be that the power of xbee module is too high, usb power supply cannot offer enough power. You can try to add a lithium battery power supply to the mainboard.
Q Once the sensor is plugged into the expansion shield, the sensor would not work properly. Why there is no voltage in expansion shield VCC?
A Please check whether the jumper cap at the 3.3V voltage switch is dropped. You can connect it with jumper wire.
A For any questions, advice or cool ideas to share, please visit the DFRobot Forum.

More Documentation

Schematic Note: The lables on the shield are different within the schematic more or less, but you can pay attention to these items to help you understand it better: SERVO_PWR - PWR_VIN or PWR_IN - Vin