


The module integrates MCP3432 A/D converter chip. The module can provide analog input function for Raspberry Pi and provide high accuracy analog input for Arduino. MCP3424 is one of the low noise and high accuracy 18-Bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital (ΔΣ A/D) converter family members of the MCP342X series. Its characteristic is:



Board Overview



Tutorial 1 :Measure Voltage by Arduino


Connected diagram


Step by step

  1. Adjust voltage of Regulated Power to 0-2.085V, and then power on.
  2. Install Arduino MCP3424 library, see Install Arduino MCP3424 library
  3. Open Arduino IDE
  4. Upload code to UNO

Sample Code

 /* MCP 3424 version 1.2 example sketch OneShotConversion
 Written by B@tto
 Contact :

 In this example, one conversion per second is performed on channel 1 and 16 bits resolution.
 A new conversion has to be initiated by the user

 #include <Wire.h>
 #include <MCP3424.h>

 MCP3424 MCP(0x68);   // Declaration of MCP3424 with Address of I2C

 long Voltage;

 void setup(){

   MCP.Configuration(1,16,0,1); // Channel 1, 16 bits resolution, one-shot mode, amplifier gain = 1


 void loop(){

   MCP.NewConversion();    // New conversion is initiated

   Voltage=MCP.Measure();  // Measure, note that the library waits for a complete conversion

   Serial.print("Voltage = ");
   Serial.println("uV");  // unit: microVolt

   delay (1000);


Expected Results

Tutorial 2 :Measure Voltage by RPi

Connected Diagram: refer to the previous tutorial, connect I2C and power in the GPIO of RPi to the MCP3424 module.

Step by step: refer to the "Readme" of the Driver.


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