

DFR0339 DFRobot Beetle BLE


Bluno Beetle - The smallest Arduino Board is another milestone in wearable electronics device area based arduino uno, which makes DIY users have more options in the project design. It is fully compatible with Bluno in instructions and procedures, supporting Bluetooth HID and ibeacon modes. And it not only supports USB programming, but also wireless programming method. With the V shaped gilded I/O interface, it is convenient to screw conductor wire on it, which could a good choice in the wearable market.

More instructionS about Bluno Beetle can refer to DFRobot Bluno


Bluetooth Chip CC2540
Sensitivity (-93dBm)
Working Temperature: (-10 ℃ ~ +85 ℃ )
Maximun Distance 50m(Open field)
Microcontroller: ATmega328P
Clock frequency: 16 MHz
Working voltage: 5V DC
Digital Pin x4
Analog Pin x4
PWM Output x2
UART interface x1
I2C interface x1
Micro USB interface x1
Power port x2
DFR0339 DFRobot Beetle BLE

Pinout Diagram

DFR0339 DFRobot Beetle BLE Pinout Diagram DFR0339 DFRobot Beetle BLE Pinout Diagram
Silkscreen Digital Pin PWM Channel Analog Channel UART I2C
RX 0 Serial
TX 1 Serial
D2 2
D3 3 3
D4 4
D5 5 5
A0 A0 A0
A1 A1 A1
A2 A2 A2
A3 A3 A3
Silkscreen Description
VIN external power supply<8V
5V 5V positive supply

Power Supply

Bluno Beetle Basic Demo

In this section, you can use the BLUNO Beetle to connect with the Android phone or iPhone .The Step by Step tutorial of the BLUNO Beetle is almost the same with the Bluno.

Bluno Basic Demo

Wireless Programming via BLE

In this section, we will learn how to Upload the sketch on air via BLE. It is really amazing that you can do uploading process without a line.The Step by Step tutorial of

the Bluno Beetle is almost the same with the Bluno.How to Wireless Programming through BLE.

Configure the BLE through AT command

There are three revolutionary BLE firmware versions now, maybe it will be more. For the reason of unified management, we will put all BLE AT command on the BLUNO wiki page Configure the BLE through AT command.

Update BLE Firmware

It is better to update the newest firmware for the better experience. As Bluno Beetle is using CC2540 chip, the method of the updating is very close to BLUNO. Please choose "Bluno" firmware. Or it won't work.

How to update the BLE firmware.

ICSP interface

DFR0339 DFRobot Beetle BLE ICSP interface


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