You must have used a GPS receiver. It is easy to be found in most place, such as smartphones, cars, and computers. They are used to track your location all over the globe. GPS Receiver for Arduino is a unit embedding GPS module and antenna in a small foot-print enclosure. By using TinyGPS library, Arduino can retrieve geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude, altitude), speed, heading and GMT time. The update rate is an important performance index of a GPS receiver. Most GPS in mobile phones provide an update rate of 1Hz, which means, only one set of data can be retrieved in one second. For GPS receivers with 1~10Hz, the data interval is much reduced and thus can be used for more demanding applications (e.g. on fast-moving vehicles). For more details ,please refer to the Documents as attached below.
- UBX-G7020-KT solution
- 1Hz(default) ~ 10Hz output
- 9600bps(default) [support:4800 ,9600 ,19200 ,38400 ,57600 ,115200 ,230400 ,460800,921600] TTL serial interface
- 5v @ 30mA (support 3.3~5v)
- 56-Channel receiver
- Extremely high sensitivity -161dBm
- Accuracy 2.5m (Autonomous) / <2m[SBAS]
- Operating temperature: -40°C to 85°C
- Hot Start : 1s
- Warm Start : 28s
- Cold Start : 29s
- Module Size 28*28*8.6mm
- Enclosure Size 37x48x16mm
- LED indicator
Item tracking Aircraft Control
Board Overview V1.0

Num | Label | Color | Description |
1 | PPS | White | time standard pulse output |
2 | VCC | Red | Power Supply Input 3.3V-5V |
3 | TX | Blue | UART/TTL Interface |
4 | RX | Green | UART/TTL Interface |
5 | GND | Black | GND |
6 | EN | Yellow | Enable Pin.The device is in shutdown mode when voltage to this pin is LOW and enable when is HIGH or floating |
Board Overview V2.0

Num | Label | Color | Description |
1 | PPS | White | time standard pulse output |
2 | GND | Red | GND |
3 | TX | Blue | UART/TTL Interface |
4 | RX | Green | UART/TTL Interface |
5 | VCC | Black | Power Supply Input 3.3V-5V |
6 | EN | Yellow | Enable Pin.The device is in shutdown mode when voltage to this pin is LOW and enable when is HIGH or floating |
Library Explanation
To use, simply create an instance of an object like this:
Feed the object serial NMEA data one character at a time using the encode() method. (TinyGPS does not handle retrieving serial data from a GPS unit.) When encode() returns “true”, a valid sentence has just changed the TinyGPS object’s internal state. For example:
You can then query the object to get various tidbits of data. To test whether the data returned is stale, examine the (optional) parameter “fix_age” which returns the number of milliseconds since the data was encoded.
GPS with LCD Module Sample
Connection Diagram

GPS | Arduino |
RX | TX |
TX | RX |
Sample code
Library:TinyGPS V1.3
Expected Results
As shown in the picture above , you can get GPS data on the LCD screen.
More Documents
Library TinyGPS VK2828U7G5LF datasheet VKEL GPS Test Assistant
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