This framed LCD12864 Shield with LED backlight is compatible with most of Arduino controllers and supports English/Chinese/Picture display. With 5 analog extention pins and 8 digital pins, the LCD12864 Shield also integrates a 5-key joystick for controlling addtional functions, making it an ideal module for prototyping and interactive projects.
- Power supply: 3.3V
- Pin used: D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D13, A0
- Reset button
- 5 degree joystick (using Arduino Analog Pin 0)
- Backlit control (using Arduino Digital Pin 7)
- Extra 5 Analog pins & 8 Digital pins
- Size:60x55x20mm
Board Overview
- Please config the driving pin using this U8GLIB_NHD_C12864 u8g(13, 11, 10, 9, 8); command.. And notice to enable this command when using the u8glib example codes also.
- Use "setContrast" to config the contrast as you want. We highly recommend you to setContrast to 0 to get the best display effect.
- "setRot90/setRot180/setRot270" functions will be helpful to rotate the display direction as you want.Recommend to use setRot180.
- For more useful lcd driving functions, please check u8glib userreference page.
- DFRduino UNO R3 (or similar) x 1
- LCD12864 Shield for Arduino x 1
- M-M/F-M/F-F Jumper wires
- Arduino IDE
- Download and install the U8glib arduino Library. (About how to install the library?)