Top 10 Most Popular Projects - 2018 Top Rated DFRobot Projects Review

DFRobot Jan 01 2019 2334

This year we take a look at how DFRobot ecosystem develops and how upgraded technologies being applied to implement new and more innovative approaches to make something new and interesting to our daily life. Here are 10 of the most popular projects in 2018 that focus on a variety of topics.


1. Make Your Own Desktop Self-Balancing Robot
This tutorial mainly shows how to own a robot with which you can have fun and learn in the meantime.

It incorporates two wheels and self-balancing which allow the robot to move around;

Gray-line tracking, ultrasonic obstacle avoidance and 128x64 OLED display;

mpu-6050 module three-axis accelerated velocity plus three-axis gyroscope, measuring center of gravity and angle of inclination;

Bluetooth control; surely, you can add more functions such as voice interaction, micro-camera and VR helmet (Driving with FPV) if interested.


2. Google Chrome Dinosaur Game on 16x2 LCD Shield
This is a fun, little offline game "ported" to an AVR MCU, created by brzi. This project was NOT written in Arduino, rathte pure AVR C code using Atmel Studio. 


3. How to Make a Name Badge with Tricolor E-ink Display

Have you ever been in a awkward situation when your colleagues just can’t remember your name clearly. Now there is a marvelous name badge for you to solve that problem. This badge is made of tricolor E-ink display designed by DFRobot. You can DIY own style for the name badge and add your unique idea into it. Just like this!


4. How to Make a Bluetooth Music Player

Do you become elated when your Mr/Mrs Right agree to go on a date with you?

Then a brighter sunny day begins. While a puzzle comes into my mind that what gift should I bring.

Innovated by the movie Pixels by Sony, I believe Pixel will be a great choice which represents pure and authentic.

Hereby let's expand more on pixels - colors, particles, etc.


5. Portable/Wearable Health Monitoring IoT System
This project presents a prototype of wearable health monitoring device, created by Salah Uddin.

This system continuously monitors the health status of a person. The application of this system is remotely monitoring the babies or old person who lives in alone. The system is directly connected to the IoT cloud, as a result, anyone can (such as doctors, relatives etc) monitor their health condition remotely in real-time. The health parameters of a person that we monitor using this device are heart rate in BPM, temperature, SPO2 level, and humidity. Please note that temperature and humidity sensors are not presents in this project; of course, it's possible to add them.


6. AR.Drone Controlling System Based on 3D Magnetic Sensor
An Infineon 3D magnetic sensor-based drone controlling system is presented in this project.

Parrot AR.Drone is a remote-controlled flying quadcopter helicopter built by the French company Parrot. The controlling system of the drone is based on mobile apps. Controlling the drone using apps is not comfortable. With this regard, the project proposed is a portable controlling system for the AR.Drone based on a 3D magnetic sensor.

A Raspberry Pi receives the rotational information from the magnetic sensor via serial port. This information are used for rotating the AR.Drone. An open source Python-based SDK is available for controlling the AR. Drone by using a Python script.


It started with the Rombus3000 followed by the RombusCT and then most recently the Tomy Turning Dashboard Outrun Arcade (which I had actually code-named RombusGT), but this time I’ve taken on another classic, the pinball machine. And so I present to you, the Rombus Pinball.



In this project I designed a smart bathroom scale, using some 3D printing, an ESP8266, IFTTT, and Adafruit.IO. You can use this tutorial to practice several skills: 3d printing and laser cutting skills, soldering, electronics, programming, etc.

On the next steps, I'll show you how I 3D printed it, wired the circuits, and made the code. At the end of this tutorial, you'll be ready to measure your weight and log it online!


9. micro:bit car with DFRobot gamepad
This project shows how to make a micro:bit car integrated with our gamepad, created by Mark Ng. 

We are going to use the radio function to communicate between 2 micro:bits. They need to be in the

same group. When a button is pressed on the game pad, the direction is shown on the gamepad

micro:bit. A number is sent to the remote micro:bit on the car. The car will response to the different

numbers and the direction will be shown.


10. How to Make a Running Heart Alarm T-shirt
In this tutorial it shows how to make a DIY heart-rate wereable in a running t-shirt that vibrates when your heart-rate is high. We need arduino (either nano or beetle), a vibration motor and a heart-rate monitor. Also a light t-shirt comfortable for running and some ability in sewing.


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