ESP32 / ESP8266 cpplinq: max and min operators

DFRobot Mar 02 2020 259997

In this video tutorial we are going to illustrate how to obtain the minimum and maximum values of an integer array using, respectively, the min and max operators from the cpplinq library.

We will be using an ESP32 as target board and the cpplinq library will be used as an Arduino library.

cpplinq: https://github.com/mrange/cpplinq

The tests shown on this video were done on a ESP32 FireBeetle board from DFRobot: https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1590.html

Since cpplinq is a generic C++ library, the code also works on the ESP8266. Tested on a ESP8266 FireBeetle board: https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1634.html