
avrdude: stk500_recv(): Programmer Not Responding

userHead rhearob 2014-11-30 12:55:32 9077 Views19 Replies

I am a newb to the DFRobot BLUNO family, so pardon me if this is redundant. I am working on a bluetooth sensor system and was using the BLUNO Nano's as the MC for my prototype. I was troubleshooting some issues with the 16x2 LCD not displaying when suddenly, the Nano programmer stopped responding at all. I tried everything from updating firmware, resets, nothing seems to work.

I've scoured the WIKI and find no help. I have two BLUNO Nano's and both behave the same way. My Arduino set up is:

Board: Arduino UNO
Programmer: AVRISP Mk II

The red light on the board is on constantly, I see the TX and RX lights flash briefly and the L light flash briefly when I try to upload.
Can any of you vets on the boards point me in the right direction?
2014-12-31 10:28:18 Hello,you can try an idea : you download the code,while arduino ide displaying 'Uploading...' press the reset button userHeadPic Joyce8816
2014-12-31 10:28:18 Hello,you can try an idea : you download the code,while arduino ide displaying 'Uploading...' press the reset button userHeadPic Joyce8816
2014-12-31 09:38:12 [quote="Grey"]

Both of Bluno Nanos have the same issue?
Could you attach your code and hardware connection?
Did you connect anything to Nano RX and TX pins?

This happens with nothing attached.  I am connecting the BLUNO through the USB port on my computer, using the arduino software, I am using the Arduino UNO as the board, /dev/tty.usbmodemfa131 as the serial port, and AVRISP Mk II as the programmer.  I have tried the different programmers and flashing the firmware. 
userHeadPic rhearob
2014-12-31 09:38:12 [quote="Grey"]

Both of Bluno Nanos have the same issue?
Could you attach your code and hardware connection?
Did you connect anything to Nano RX and TX pins?

This happens with nothing attached.  I am connecting the BLUNO through the USB port on my computer, using the arduino software, I am using the Arduino UNO as the board, /dev/tty.usbmodemfa131 as the serial port, and AVRISP Mk II as the programmer.  I have tried the different programmers and flashing the firmware. 
userHeadPic rhearob
2014-12-08 00:14:12 Not sure,

What is about the PC Device Manager? Does the device show "Arduino UNO"? Have you tried to burn a new firmware? What is your Operating System and Arduino IDE version?  Could you change another one and try again?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-08 00:14:12 Not sure,

What is about the PC Device Manager? Does the device show "Arduino UNO"? Have you tried to burn a new firmware? What is your Operating System and Arduino IDE version?  Could you change another one and try again?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-05 06:44:16 Noim sorry im confused., its not the link led. The L Led is blinking beside the on led whenver i plug the bluno nano on my computer. What do u think is happening. userHeadPic miallyrey
2014-12-05 06:44:16 Noim sorry im confused., its not the link led. The L Led is blinking beside the on led whenver i plug the bluno nano on my computer. What do u think is happening. userHeadPic miallyrey
2014-12-05 02:10:23 Hi,

The Link led is blinking? What is about the Pair led? also blinking?
If yes, I think it lost its firmware. Try to upload a new one.
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-05 02:10:23 Hi,

The Link led is blinking? What is about the Pair led? also blinking?
If yes, I think it lost its firmware. Try to upload a new one.
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-04 05:37:18 Yeah its pretty strange and im freakin out already. Im not doing anything i just plug the bluno nano and i try to upload the blink sketch but the error programming not responding appeared. Yes the link led is blinking. userHeadPic miallyrey
2014-12-04 05:37:18 Yeah its pretty strange and im freakin out already. Im not doing anything i just plug the bluno nano and i try to upload the blink sketch but the error programming not responding appeared. Yes the link led is blinking. userHeadPic miallyrey
2014-12-04 04:41:31 Hello Marian,

It is a little strange, could you attach your hardware connection?
Is the "link" led on? Or something is plugged on the board?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-04 04:41:31 Hello Marian,

It is a little strange, could you attach your hardware connection?
Is the "link" led on? Or something is plugged on the board?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-04 02:33:56 im also new to this, there are so many things to configure and I can't even start coding because im having the same problem. Im trying to upload the blink sketch and avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding what can i do about this.. userHeadPic miallyrey
2014-12-04 02:33:56 im also new to this, there are so many things to configure and I can't even start coding because im having the same problem. Im trying to upload the blink sketch and avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding what can i do about this.. userHeadPic miallyrey
2014-12-02 15:03:59 Hello,

Both of Bluno Nanos have the same issue?
Could you attach your code and hardware connection?
Did you connect anything to Nano RX and TX pins?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-12-02 15:03:59 Hello,

Both of Bluno Nanos have the same issue?
Could you attach your code and hardware connection?
Did you connect anything to Nano RX and TX pins?
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-11-30 12:55:32 Hello,

I am a newb to the DFRobot BLUNO family, so pardon me if this is redundant.  I am working on a bluetooth sensor system and was using the BLUNO Nano's as the MC for my prototype.  I was troubleshooting some issues with the 16x2 LCD not displaying when suddenly, the Nano programmer stopped responding at all.  I tried everything from updating firmware, resets, nothing seems to work.

I've scoured the WIKI and find no help.  I have two BLUNO Nano's and both behave the same way.  My Arduino set up is:

Board:  Arduino UNO
Programmer:  AVRISP Mk II

The red light on the board is on constantly, I see the TX and RX lights flash briefly and the L light flash briefly when I try to upload.
Can any of you vets on the boards point me in the right direction? 
userHeadPic rhearob