Forum >About Freematics OBD-II Adapter and Freematics OBD iOS app
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About Freematics OBD-II Adapter and Freematics OBD iOS app

userHead dweston 2014-02-15 21:07:35 4162 Views0 Replies
Hi @stanleyhuang,

This may not be the correct thread to raise this query on but I've been unable to find a specific support forum thread relating to the newer Freematics OBD-II Arduino Inside adapter I purchased recently.

Could you point me to a support thread/webpage providing similar detail to that contained in this OBD-II I2C adapter thread relating the OBD-II Arduino Inside adapter.

The unit I purchased has a BLE card embedded. I'm experiencing considerable difficulty with the stability of the new device when attempting to view data from it via the Freematics iPhone app with the OBD-II Arduino Inside adapter plugged into my vehicle.

In order to familiarise myself with whole environment before I delve into building external attachments I've given the adapter a go by simply plugging it as supplied into my vehicle (a BMW X5 2003 3.0i) and then attempting to view data OBD data via the Freematics iPhone app.

The app works well with the bluetooth connection between the adapter and iPhone establishing without a hitch. Data streaming from the onboard dfrobot accelerometer and GYRO modules shows up immediately. But not so with accessing vehicle OBD data.

After many trial connect sequences with the adapter plugged in first or disconnected with the iPhone app enabled first or vice versa, it wasn't possible to access data emanating from the car. Then suddenly when in frustration I was waiting at a set of lengthy traffic lights I pulled the adapter out and plugged it back in - presto a heap of data came through. Speed; RPM; engine % power; throttle position; even manifold temp plus more sentences the adapter clearly wasn't coded to identify.

All good I thought. All facets of the App worked fine thereon for the remainder of the journey, until I arrived home and switched the vehicle ignition off. The app <=> adapter connection stayed up as the power from the OBD socket stayed up. dfrobot and GYRO data continued to flow. But when I switched the engine back on - no more OBD data.

That was it for several days of plugging the adapter in and out until presto again with no apparent logic to it the vehicle data connection established again, this time with the iPhone app off initially; though this time less vehicle data parameters were showing. No manifold temp or peddle position showing this time, but on the debug page, again three or four other data strings extracted that the app obviously doesn't currently recognise. See iPhone screen images attached for more detail.

I've been trying to seek support from you via your email address but understand this is probably spammed so much it's not the best way to reach you.

Could you please advise possible reasons and solutions for why the vehicle OBD data interface is so tenuous?