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can not connect to obd-ii

userHead scott_fx 2014-04-27 16:42:12 7383 Views3 Replies
Hey guys,

I am trying to get my uart adapter (model a -- v1.2) to connect to either one of my cars (2011 lexus is250 and 2003 porsche cayenne) and have had no luck. I'm using the 3.3v version and it's connected to my digitx (due) board. I have the rx, tx power and ground connected to the board. I tried the 'hello world' sketch and the led does not turn on at 3000 rpm. I also tried to just print the data to my serial monitor and all i get is "ATZ" repeatedly getting sent with nothing in return.
I'm running the rpm_led_uart sketch as well as this one:
#include <Wire.h>

* Sample sketch based on OBD-II library for Arduino
* Distributed under GPL v2.0
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Stanley Huang <[email protected]>
* All rights reserved.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <OBD.h>

COBD obd;

void setup()
// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:
// we'll use the debug LED as output
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
// start communication with OBD-II UART adapter
// initiate OBD-II connection until success
while (!obd.init());

void loop()
int value;
if (, value)) {
// RPM is successfully read and its value stored in variable 'value'
// light on LED when RPM exceeds 3000
digitalWrite(13, value > 3000 ? HIGH : LOW);
Serial.print("RPM = ");

both of them just prints "ATZ"

I checked the connections with a dmm on my protoboard and they were all solid.

I started the car with the obdii adapter connected and also connected it after the car was started, no change
I'm at a loss here. any help would be appreciated.
2014-05-04 19:53:35 some customer support would be greatly appreciated

thank you
userHeadPic scott_fx
2014-04-28 08:53:08 ...or should i have gotten the i2c one?

oh one last thing.  regardless of the serial read issue.  just running the provided rpm led sketch, i still dont get any change in the led when i go above 3k rpm

i tried this powered from the obd-ii adapter while; both, hooked up to my computer via usb and also just hooked up to the obd adapter (no connection to the computer)
userHeadPic scott_fx
2014-04-27 18:32:31 hmm.  ok well this leads me to another question.  I have a processing2.js sketch that will display the obd-ii data i'm getting from your device.  I was planning on communicating with my arduino via usb serial.  how can i get around this issue?

can i hook up your device to serial1 and read the serial data on the arduino's ide that way?
userHeadPic scott_fx