Telematics General

Vehicle Data Wont Connect

userHead LuckyJ 2014-04-22 11:54:00 25762 Views19 Replies

I recently received my Logger Kit #2 and can't seem to get the vehicle data to show up on the LCD screen. GPS, accel, gyro work fine but no engine data. Also, I can't seem to pair my iphone with the Fleetmatics app. My MacBook works fine to pair but the iphone doesn't even recognize it. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I downloaded the mega logger files and I think I put them all in the right spots.


2014-05-06 23:38:39 When you try the obdii adapter to your honda crv isn't it quite match with the connector? i mean it doesn't fully connect right?
Me working with the suzuki swift and honda freed neither display pid too  :-[
userHeadPic DonJuan
2014-05-06 23:38:39 When you try the obdii adapter to your honda crv isn't it quite match with the connector? i mean it doesn't fully connect right?
Me working with the suzuki swift and honda freed neither display pid too  :-[
userHeadPic DonJuan
2014-05-06 19:18:45 Honda crv and dodge 1500 truck. Neither display pid. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-05-06 19:18:45 Honda crv and dodge 1500 truck. Neither display pid. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-05-05 21:08:50 What car are you using now? And what protocol? CAN bus? userHeadPic DonJuan
2014-05-05 21:08:50 What car are you using now? And what protocol? CAN bus? userHeadPic DonJuan
2014-05-04 19:06:59 Still haven't got it myself.  I will keep trying. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-05-04 19:06:59 Still haven't got it myself.  I will keep trying. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-28 20:56:10 Hello sir lucky,

I have the same problem here dfrobot & gyro are working but no engine data too.
Then how you can read the pid parameter? will appreciate any help, thanks.
userHeadPic DonJuan
2014-04-28 20:56:10 Hello sir lucky,

I have the same problem here dfrobot & gyro are working but no engine data too.
Then how you can read the pid parameter? will appreciate any help, thanks.
userHeadPic DonJuan
2014-04-28 18:40:59 ...or so I thought.  I now have speedometer information on the LCD screen but when it loads I still have a red "x" for each of the parameters on the right side of the screen. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-28 18:40:59 ...or so I thought.  I now have speedometer information on the LCD screen but when it loads I still have a red "x" for each of the parameters on the right side of the screen. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-28 11:07:11 Appear to have fixed it.  I looked back on the logger 2 section of the website and put the OBD connector in the other 12C port.  Appears to be working now. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-28 11:07:11 Appear to have fixed it.  I looked back on the logger 2 section of the website and put the OBD connector in the other 12C port.  Appears to be working now. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-25 06:06:18 I see the list on the LCD screen.  All parameters have a red "X" when it loads. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-25 06:06:18 I see the list on the LCD screen.  All parameters have a red "X" when it loads. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-23 18:39:25 Thanks for the reply.  I downloaded the mega logger sketch, moved the folders (MPU, MultiLCD,ODB, TinyGPS, etc.) out of the megalogger folder and into the library folder, compiled, and transferred to the board.  When I plug the OBD connector into the car it powers up and I get GPS, accel. readings but nothing on the OBD side.  I tried it in a couple vehicles. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-23 18:39:25 Thanks for the reply.  I downloaded the mega logger sketch, moved the folders (MPU, MultiLCD,ODB, TinyGPS, etc.) out of the megalogger folder and into the library folder, compiled, and transferred to the board.  When I plug the OBD connector into the car it powers up and I get GPS, accel. readings but nothing on the OBD side.  I tried it in a couple vehicles. userHeadPic LuckyJ
2014-04-22 11:54:00 Hello,

I recently received my Logger Kit #2 and can't seem to get the vehicle data to show up on the LCD screen.  GPS, accel, gyro work fine but no engine data.  Also, I can't seem to pair my iphone with the Fleetmatics app.  My MacBook works fine to pair but the iphone doesn't even recognize it.  Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?  I downloaded the mega logger files and I think I put them all in the right spots.


userHeadPic LuckyJ