Forum >Best battery

Best battery

userHead SuperMiguel 2011-07-08 11:18:27 11961 Views6 Replies
Whats the best battery i can use with the HCR?
2015-01-15 05:08:27 I am looking for the best and best looking M4 stock that can hold an aeg battery. But the options seem very limited. Have I just not been looking in the right place? userHeadPic KavomatovlKiz
2013-01-25 05:54:55 Note that the suggested battery (e.g. NP7-12 from Yuasa) is typically about 98 mm tall. The bolts provided with the battery mounting bracket in the HCR kit is about 100 mm long, which is not long enough.

The DFRobot HCR is an excellent kit otherwise.
userHeadPic cvilas
2011-07-09 06:34:17 any recommendation between f1 vs f2 connector? userHeadPic SuperMiguel
2011-07-09 02:25:29 That is exactly the one which will work perfectly with HCR. userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-07-08 23:51:10 something like this: ? userHeadPic SuperMiguel
2011-07-08 20:16:07 A 14.4V Lipo battery or a cheap lead acid battery (12V) which is used in car will both be fine to power the hcr. userHeadPic R2D2C3PO