Bluno General Arduino

Bluno Beetle : How to get the Bluno Beetle BT signal strength

userHead titusece 2018-07-22 00:53:23 3667 Views2 Replies
Hi Experts,
1) Can you please let me know, how to get the bluno beetle's (BLE) signal strength ? (any working reference code)
2) Is it possible to add new UUID for the Bluno beetle ?, currently I am using "0000dfb0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" this UUID to send and receive the data, is it possible to add or change UUID in arduino code for bluno board ?
Actually I have multiple Bluno devices in my room and each BLE device is used for dedicated purpose(temp sensor, air sensor etc.,) and now would like to find the differences in BLE devices to know which one is temp sensor and air sensor, can we have unique name or UUID or something for the BLE board ?

I think, MAC ID won't suit for my purpose.

Can you please help me on this ?
Thanks for the help.
2018-08-16 22:37:36 Well, when your text is ready and the muse can send a little rest at custom writing, you need to check the correctness of your creation. If the rigorous teacher that tortured you at school did not impart you the love of spelling - do not despair, modern text editors are equipped with a built-in spelling check. userHeadPic magdapreston1
2018-08-02 11:54:20 Hi.
1. You can use an AT command "AT+RSSI=?<CR+LF> Request the RSSI of the BLE(if there is no connection, "-000" will be returned)", you can get the strength of the Bluetooth signal;
2. Our Bluno series only have one UUID, they are all the same, if you want to difference temperature or air, you can add some tag, like temp: , air: etc. to know what comes from what.
userHeadPic robert.chen