Forum >FIT0482 motor minimum voltage?

FIT0482 motor minimum voltage?

userHead brianj 2018-07-24 15:57:46 3595 Views3 Replies
Hello, we're designing a circuit with this micro metal motor and want to know the minimum reliable operating voltage? Ideally, we'd like to design it to run directly from a 3.7V lipo battery, and those batteries discharge down to about 2.8V to 3V. Can the motor operate that low reliably? We'd prefer to avoid including a boost circuit for the battery.

2018-08-02 20:02:15 Yes, that's correct, make sure the battery have sufficient power. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-07-26 08:35:34 Ok, so the motor still runs, but just slower? So the higher the voltage the faster the motor RPM? Does that mean that as the battery discharges, it loses more and more RPM speed? userHeadPic brianj
2018-07-24 20:01:24 Hi, it is not recommended. It can certainly run but with low torque and slower.
You can try the high ratio version to increase the torque:
You can also try this:
userHeadPic Angelo.Qiao