Forum >FIT0482 encoder minimum voltage?
FIT0482 encoder minimum voltage?

Hello, the encoder pinout diagram for this motor only shows a VCC of "3.3V/5V", but can you provide more detailed specs on that power rail options? Such as how low can it really go and still operate reliably? We're running our VCC system at 2.5V (including our MCU) and want to run the encoder at the same VCC level. Is that ok? Can you provide a datasheet or more detailed specs on the encoder part?
2018-08-02 02:39:22 Because most of the Arduino board work under 3.3 or 5V, this encoder can work under 3.3V as the lowest voltage, 2.5V may not available to use for this encoder.

2018-07-31 12:38:45 Well, that reply wasn't very helpful. Any other better responses out there? Thx.