Forum >Adding wheel encoders to 4WD Mobile Platform

Adding wheel encoders to 4WD Mobile Platform

userHead Account cancelled 2011-08-16 06:41:08 6774 Views4 Replies
I just bought the wheel encoder package for my 4WD mobile platform. After I installed one of the encoders, the motor + encoder does not fit in the base anymore. The circuit board and the JST connector stick out beyond the end of the base. Is there an easy solution to this problem?
2013-01-01 00:02:55 Bummer I had already bought the older version as part of the Jameco j-bot package. Wish I had known before that.
Any other options to add encoder to the old platform?
userHeadPic rberger
2012-12-19 20:49:16 @rberger
Yes, the encoder still can't work with the ROB0003 because of the closed body design. If you really want to drive the 4WD mobile platform, I suggest to choose ROB0025. :)
userHeadPic Lauren
2012-12-17 20:36:02 Is this still an issue with this kit? Would want to use encoders with the RB0003 userHeadPic rberger
2011-08-16 18:48:07 Hi Mark,

The only solutions I can think of is either do not attach the cover, or carefully remove the JST connector and solder the wires directly onto the encoder (That way they just bend). We will place a notice on the product page about this problem, the next version will be slightly extended to overcome this problem.

userHeadPic Hector