
SEN-0169 PH Sensor issue

userHead fxsh1303 2018-09-04 15:46:42 2037 Views2 Replies
I'm using SEN0169 and other sensors to monitoring the water quality.
The PH sensor I've been use for a month and there's some problem occurred.
I got another professional equipment to measure the PH value which is bought from another company (YALAB).
Both of PH sensor can read the PH=7 and PH=4 with standard liquid.
But when I dropped the sensor to my fish tank, there is a problem.
DFROBOT's PH sensor showed the PH around 1.5, but YALAB's sensor value is 7.3.
I tested both of sensor for many times and it shows the DFROBOT's value can not be use in fish tank.
I already check the software and it's totaly fine.
Is there anyone have the same problem?
Or this sensor should not be use under water for permament?

1. YALAB with PH=7 liquid and shows the value 7.01
2. DFROBOT with PH=7 liquid also shows the value around 7.15
3.YALAB with fishtank shows the value 7.3
4.DFROBOT with fishtank shows the value 1.5
5.Standard liquid I used
2018-09-05 09:19:17
robert.chen wrote:
Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:50 am
Could you use different solution to have more comparison test? The result is weird since the tank water should not be around 1.5
Hi sir!
The problem was occurred when I am trying to put my whole device in to the fish farm.
So I went back and check it and discovered the PH sensor does have some problem.
The only other device for PH measurment is YALAB.
So I ask about sensor to them. They told me the sensor like this have the service life.
Both of sensors look pretty similar. But I think that service life should not be shorter than a month.
Here's YALAB's sensor as the picture below.
And DFROBOT have been use arount one month.

And here's the YALAB's sensor product: ... %20target=
userHeadPic fxsh1303
2018-09-04 18:50:02 Could you use different solution to have more comparison test? The result is weird since the tank water should not be around 1.5 userHeadPic robert.chen