
Example Code For Servos (multiple) on Romeo

userHead mark.perino 2018-09-12 03:58:09 3578 Views1 Replies
Finiding it very hard to locate example code for the ROMEO BLE mini using servo's. The wiki page: ... KU:DFR0351

Has a good example of using the motor interface, but It would be very helpful to a similar example that controls 2 servos. Let's say servo on #2 responds to "a" and "d" as left right (im assuming degree positions of like 135, 75) and that servo #3 responds to "w" and "s" with up down.

Any examples would be greatly appreciated.
2018-09-14 01:10:34 I didnt get any response, but figured it out. The example code on: ... KU:DFR0100

Worked with the ROMEO BLE Mini. No special additional libraries, as Servo.h is standard in Arduino IDE.

here's my example code to move 2 servos connected to Digital ports 2 & 3:
Code: Select all
// Moving two Servos on ROMEO BLE mini 
// This example code is in the public domain.
// This code will move 2 servos from 0->180 degrees, then 180->0 degrees,
//  then wait 10 seconds.  It is an endless loop.  Make sure your servos
//  can move 0-180.

#include <Servo.h>     
Servo myserone;         // create servo object to control the first servo
Servo mysertwo;         // create a second servo object 
                        // a maximum of eight servo objects can be created 
int pos = 0;            // variable to store the servo position 
int serone = 2;         // first servo board location
int sertwo = 3;         // second servo location
void setup() { 
    myserone.attach(serone);  // attaches the servo on pin defined by serone
    mysertwo.attach(sertwo); // attach to servo 2    
void loop() { 
    for(pos =0; pos <180; pos+=1){
    for(pos = 180; pos >=1; pos-=1){
userHeadPic mark.perino