
Help for my project

userHead hugo.mussard 2018-09-26 00:08:17 2596 Views3 Replies
Hello everyone,
I need some help. I don't know which shield between ( and ( is the most suitable for those motors (
Thank you for your help

PS : about the encoder on my DC motor, should I use it If I take a shield motor ? Then, why ?... I want to make a sumo robot !
2018-09-27 09:59:38 Hi.
I mean you program the output of the encoder.
userHeadPic makermuyi
2018-09-26 16:49:31 Okey nice thank you ! And, what do you mean about "additional processing" ? If you're talking about the (, It's already ok for me.
I'm sorry, I'm french so...
userHeadPic hugo.mussard
2018-09-26 10:22:04 Hi.
You can select the 2x7A DC Motor Driver shield ( ) to drive your motor,But about the encoder signal you need additional processing.
userHeadPic makermuyi