Bluno General Arduino

Bluno Mega 1280 blocking issues

userHead Maxime.Old.Concept 2018-10-02 22:55:52 4054 Views1 Replies

I've just received the 2 Bluno Mega 1280 SKU:DFR0306 I ordered 4 weeks ago.
I'm using the Arduino 1.8.7 for Windows IDE running on W7.
I installed the special diver. It works fine. The COM is seen by the IDE
The communication is working fine (tested with the IDE monitor using AT commands)
I selected Arduino Mega SDK as card (no Bluno Mega proposed) in the IDE
Both cards don't upload any sketch (from basic example, including the basic empty sample, ...).
The messages are :
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer
Une erreur est survenue lors du transfert du croquis
The cards are dated 2015.08.24 ??????
I tried with success to upgrade DF BLE device bootloader to 2.0 : firmware 1.97 which appears the lastest version?
Still the same : No upload! Same messages
I've been trought forums, FAQs it looks like a lost bootlooader on the 16AU ship ??????
Is it possible DFROBOT sends cards with lost bootloader????????????????????

I hope not, and I'm doing something wrong? Please help!

By the way the Bluno Mega Wiki ( ... U:DFR0306)) have many links pointing to chinese pages!!!!

And I didn't succeed to find the opensource source code of the basic app for Android, nor the beginner library mentionned with it. Could you give us the link.

I hope I'll be a happy beginner soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2018-11-20 21:16:48 Hi, thanks to DFRobot tech support I get the solution and share it. The point is ONLY in the Tools item the choice is Board : Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560 AND Processor ATmega 1280. I hope it'll help. It solved for me. userHeadPic Maxime.Old.Concept