
Motors aren't turning at the same speed. (Devastator + Romeo v2)

userHead Account cancelled 2018-11-04 16:07:57 2972 Views1 Replies
So I just got into this hobby and bought a devastator platform with a romeo v2 board and tested the robot's movements.
I noticed that my left motor turns faster than might right motor when I send the same value to both motors.

Is this normal? I don't think I made a mistake when assembling this robot.
Do I need an IMU to compensate? How do I make my robot to move in a straight line when I want it to?

Does anyone have the same problem and how do you overcome it?
2018-12-20 17:48:17 The speed of the motors are different is normal for motor control if it is an open loop system, the environment will affect the real distance the motor rotate. To solve the problem, you need to use the motor with encoder to make it a close loop system that make the motors rotate with same speed. userHeadPic robert.chen