Forum >Order Status?
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Order Status?

userHead flecom 2014-06-25 13:00:34 6074 Views3 Replies
Just wondering if there should be any updates on order status as the manufacturing process goes?

I placed an order on 18/6, uploaded the ZIP on the order page and emailed it with the order # attached just in case but have not heard anything... order page just shows "Payment Received"

It was a 5 working day order so I know they probably won't be done yet but just wondering
2014-06-30 17:51:55 Hello flecom,

Thank you for your advice.
We will keep improving our service.
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2014-06-29 16:15:05 I got them yesterday... so 5 days manufacturing (as promised) and 2 days shipping

was just wondering if there were any detailed status updates (like files received, printing, etc) but it seems to just be payment received and shipped... which is fine, price was good and the boards look great, one board looked kind of off color (maybe screen was dirty?) but I got 11 boards instead of 10 so hey, can't complain about that one I guess!  :)

I will be using your service again... thanks again  ;D
userHeadPic flecom
2014-06-25 18:15:09 Welcome flecom,

The normal process time is about 1 week,
You could choose urgent(48 hours, 72 hours)
But it will require external money.

As it has been 5 working days, your product should be completed.
Please contact DFRobot technical support mail: [email protected]
userHeadPic Grey.CC