Forum >DF05BB pan/tilt kit

DF05BB pan/tilt kit

userHead immolator 2011-12-11 23:32:53 9794 Views9 Replies
Hi all,

I have the DF05BB pan/tilt kit ([url=][/url]), and I'm finding what should be a trivial exercise somewhat confusing.

Sure, I can create a JAVA swing app to control my DFRobot 4WD platform via XBee, and a C program to make the 4WD platform run autonomously w/ collision avoidance, but alas, I can't rig up a pan/tilt kit :/

I get the position of the brackets and servos, but I don't know how I'm supposed to use the rubber rings, brass cylinder things and various other bits and bobs that came with the kit. I'm sure they're all important for something...

Are there any assembly instructions out there? I couldn't find anything in the forum, on the dfrobot wiki, on youtube or anywhere. Failing that, any other pointers would be greatly appreciated.

2011-12-26 23:04:44 In case anyone else is looking for an assembly guide. Here it is: [url=]Pan/tilt kit Assembly guide[/url] userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-20 01:02:51 Fantastic! That's exactly what I was after.

Thanks Hector.
userHeadPic immolator
2011-12-19 19:29:58 Hi,

Take a look at these pictures. You need to disassemble the servo and bracket. First you need to place a screw on the inside of the bracket then place a bearing and washer on the outside, then place the capped nut and tighten the whole thing, then you can re-install the servo. In the pictures it shows the servo already attached, That was an already made model and I just disassembled it so you could have a look.

[url=] 1[/url]
[url=] 2[/url]
[url=] 3[/url]
[url=] 4[/url]
[url=] 5[/url]
[url=] 6[/url]

If you still need help let me know. :)
userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-18 20:29:19 Hi Hector,

Here's the pic of my pan/tilt setup - you can see the detached side of the U bracket on the centre-left.

userHeadPic immolator
2011-12-16 20:22:51 Hi Craig,

Could you send me a pic or attach it here on the forum. I want to see what you got so far. Then maybe I can make a suggestion for you.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-16 19:12:10 Hi Hector,

I've used the rubber pads and brass cylinders to attach the screws to the horns as suggested. I noticed that if I just used the screws directly, they tended to reach all the way down to the servo body and scrape against it when the motor turns.

So I guess now it all looks ok. Well, except that one side of the U shaped bracket is just dangling (the other side is attached to the servo). Any pointers on if/how I should secure that?

userHeadPic immolator
2011-12-15 23:36:40 Craig,

I have looked all over for some exploded views of the assembly, but I can't find them, we will draw some up, but it will take a couple of days. Anyways, the rubber pads and brass cylinders are provided for your convenience to use with the Servo "horns" in case the provided screws are too long. The most important part you need for mounting the servo to the bracket is attaching the bearing to the bottom of the bracket and make sure it lines up with the servo's horn.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-13 23:29:38 Hi Hector,

That was quite a useful video, but I didn't see the rubber pads and brass cylinders being used.

The brass cylinders seem to fit neatly inside the rubber pads, so I'm guessing they are used together for some purpose - perhaps for attaching the servos to the brackets.

If you could dig up the exploded engineering diagram that would be great.

userHeadPic immolator
2011-12-12 18:36:58 Hi Craig,

Here is a link to a youtube video demonstrating the build process for a 6  DOF robotic arm.


Arround the 3:22 minute mark you can see an example of the bearing installed on the bracket.

Let me know if this is enough, otherwise I will try to look for an exploded engineering diagram that will show it clearly.

userHeadPic Hector