
TCS3200 Color Sensor - general questions

userHead new_one 2014-02-13 00:59:28 6247 Views4 Replies

I'm really new to this field that's why I have some questions to TCS3200 color sensor.

Because of its photodiodes it detects emitted light, right?
I'm not quite sure what the 4 white LEDs for. Could you explain it to me?
Is this sensor compatible to work with a PIC16F877A and CCS compiler? Or do you recommend to work with Arduino and which one?

Thanks to be gentle with me and get help soon.
2024-01-12 16:28:33

Good morning,
I'm in highschool.
Could you help me get an arduino code and wiring for a SEN0101 TCS3200 Color Sensor light sensor?

userHeadPic michel.maxandre
2014-02-13 18:24:27 It probably depends, LED wavelenght is quite narrow. Its worth a try. Better if you have different kind of LED's and other light source to help figure out the differences. Otherwise it would be quite difficult to be sure.

Let me know if you try, i'd like to see if I can get similar results.
userHeadPic Jose
2014-02-13 18:17:30 Okay, that makes sense.
But if I'm not using the 4 white LEDs this sensor could also detect emitted light e.g. from a color LED?
userHeadPic new_one
2014-02-13 09:15:15 Welcome  new one!

I think it should be compatible, however i haven't hear anyone porting it to PIC16F877A, Let us know if you do.

But if you are just starting, i recommend you to practice more with Arduino first.

I think the 4 LEDs iluminate the target, to get better readings?
userHeadPic Jose