Bluno General Arduino

Can I upload a sketch to Bluno Mega 2560 via bluetooth?

userHead haralambie 2018-12-07 06:18:21 2786 Views2 Replies
That is why I bought it. I need the USB port for other communication.
I did the latest firmware update on it. None of my PC sees the Bluno as an new bluetooth device.

Do I have to put it in discover mode? HOW?
2018-12-27 10:06:50 Hi
Yes, you need to use a DFRobot dongle connected to your PC, when the dongle and your Bluno mega is paired, you can wirelessly upload the sketch.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-12-26 22:53:15 I don't know if the mega is the same, but my beetle only communicates to my pc with the DFRobot dongle. This works well for me. But this still uses a usb port. Can you get usb hub to expand the number of ports?

The beetle does communicate to android devices but this won't let you upload.
userHeadPic jdelcamp0