
Gravity LIS2DH12

userHead Account cancelled 2018-12-10 14:02:37 2686 Views1 Replies
How can I set the programmable interrupt generators for motion detection on my Arduino?
Reading the datasheet of the LIS2DH, it seems that the device can be put to "sleep" and then woken up after XXXX seconds.
How can I set this sleep timer?
I would like to use the LIS2DH to wake-up my arduino from "SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN"
Many Thanks
2018-12-20 15:16:45 The datasheet mentioned the duration time is write in the Act_DUR (3Fh) register, but the sensor uses SPI to read and write, while SPI pins are not listed, the interrupt pins could active wake up. userHeadPic robert.chen