
DFRobot Mega 2560 V3.1 - which crystal used?

userHead Account cancelled 2015-08-07 16:04:33 1550 Views1 Replies
In Version 3.1 of the DFRobot Mega 2560, you used a quartz crystals resonator to improve the timer and serial accuracy. Compared with ceramic crystals, quartz crystals get better temperature stability.

My Questions:
1. What's the exact accuracy (ppm) of the crystal you used? Do you have any datasheet?
2. If I order the DFRobot Mega 2560 on your website, do I automatically get the updated Version 3.1?

Thanks and best regards

2015-08-10 12:02:38 Hi Andi,

Thanks for showing your interest on DFRobot!

1 16MHz it is. could be found at the specification.

2 Yes, all the 2560 you would get are V3.1, I've checked with that. :)

For the datasheet, it's almost the same as the arduino official one which can be a reference.

AndreasMayr wrote:In Version 3.1 of the DFRobot Mega 2560, you used a quartz crystals resonator to improve the timer and serial accuracy. Compared with ceramic crystals, quartz crystals get better temperature stability.

My Questions:
1. What's the exact accuracy (ppm) of the crystal you used? Do you have any datasheet?
2. If I order the DFRobot Mega 2560 on your website, do I automatically get the updated Version 3.1?

Thanks and best regards

userHeadPic Leff