Forum >Minimum gaps and track widths
Minimum gaps and track widths

Can anyone tell me for 1mm FR4 what the minimum permissible track width is and also the minimum gap between two tracks? I am using AWR design environment to design a PCB and would prefer to get this information before I start.
Assume a small sized PCB that has a burn boundary track
Assume a small sized PCB that has a burn boundary track
2015-10-16 02:12:27
eWeeeb wrote:hi id say minimum of 25 mil.
yeah, that's much more safe to avoid data interfere. But we usually take lesser.

2015-08-27 02:36:59 Cheers.
It's not like I'm trying to land a probe on Mars or anything but I'd rather not make that mistake. I have a student here with a pcb design that calls for a 0.20 mm gap I guess he'll have to do some more work on it.
Thanks again
Oliver Mark
It's not like I'm trying to land a probe on Mars or anything but I'd rather not make that mistake. I have a student here with a pcb design that calls for a 0.20 mm gap I guess he'll have to do some more work on it.
Thanks again

2015-08-27 01:55:37 well, I also don't know the unit quite for sure, but I check in dictionary and got this:
mil: a unit of linear measurement equivalent to 0.0254 mm (one thousandth of an inch), often used in measuring the diameter of wires.
so that's _ a mil one thousandth of an inch
mil: a unit of linear measurement equivalent to 0.0254 mm (one thousandth of an inch), often used in measuring the diameter of wires.
so that's _ a mil one thousandth of an inch
Oliver Mark wrote:Hi
Please excuse my ignorance but what is :10 mils? is a mil one thousandth of an inch or millimeter?

2015-08-26 06:53:46 Hi
Please excuse my ignorance but what is :10 mils? is a mil one thousandth of an inch or millimeter?
Oliver Mark
Please excuse my ignorance but what is :10 mils? is a mil one thousandth of an inch or millimeter?

2015-08-25 22:05:34 Hi Oliver,
This is what we used if we design a pcb.
The minimum permissible track width :10 mil
the minimum gap between two tracks:12-15 mil ( 10mil is also acceptable)
Hope this could help you!
This is what we used if we design a pcb.
The minimum permissible track width :10 mil
the minimum gap between two tracks:12-15 mil ( 10mil is also acceptable)
Hope this could help you!