Bluno General Arduino

Getting 'avrdude' error while uploading to Leonardo / Mega 2650 from BLE-Link / BLE Dongle combo

userHead Account cancelled 2018-12-19 20:58:59 5352 Views0 Replies
Hi folks,

I CANT upload sketches via bluetooth to any Leonardo or Mega 2560 based MCU using my Arduino 1.8.7 IDE.

(I CAN upload sketches to my UNO's while hitting the 'reset button' at the appropriate moment during upload. So Bluetooth wireless communication does work between 'BLE-Link xBee' and 'USB BLE Dongle' combo and UNO)

Setup is as follows -

- DF Robot USB BLE Dongle (SKU:TEL0087) - V1.97 Firmware (BLE-Link Firmware)
- DF Robot BLE Link xBee (SKU:TEL0073) - V1.97 (Bluno Firmware)
- DF Robot Romeo V2.2 R3 with Xbee breakout. (SKU:DFR0225)

(Have also tried Genuine Arduino Leonardo and Clone Mega 2650 - but NO success)

(Also have 'Romeo BLE' board, which has an 'UNO' processer and this connects with USB BLE Dongle for sketch uploads while hitting the 'reset' button at the appropriate moment.
I used DFRobot 'xBee Pro Shield' and DFRobot 'I/O Expansion Shield 7.1' for connecting BLE-LINK xBee to these boards.)

- 'USB BLE Dongle' set to Central/Master and BLE-Link set to Peripheral/Slave.
- 'BLE-Link xBee' switch was set to both 'Norm' and 'AT' during test uploads.
- 'Romeo V2.2 R3' Motor Power and S1-S5 Switches set to 'OFF'.
- Power to 'Romeo V2.2 R3' via Micro USB tested at 1A and 3A.
- Link LED on (Instantly - once 'USB BLE Dongle' is connected to my Mac.
An observation -
- 'USB BLE Dongle' always appears as an 'Uno' 'port' on Arduino IDE as can been seen in the attached photos.

I've looked elsewhere for answers but nothing popped up that seemed to solve my problem?


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