Forum >DFRduino for total dummies?

DFRduino for total dummies?

userHead remco 2012-01-18 15:14:58 7206 Views5 Replies

I have the Romeo board and I am trying to understand it and do some simple examples without much success. The documentation is still too complicated for total noobs I guess.

I was trying the dc motor control from the wiki:

I have connected a power source to the motor power input and a dc motor to the left motor terminal, M1 according to the text on the board, motor B according to the picture on the wiki.
This motor is good and the power source is good too, if I connect the two directly the motor runs.

The motor control jumpers are in place.

I can upload code and have done so

the board is powered by USB

Now I am supposed to do something with the digital pins 4/5/6/7? Like what? Short them? The top two or the bottom two? If I connect a switch to pin 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 and press the switch a few lights flash but apart from that nothing happens. I've tried all 4, both top 2 and bottom two, the motor doesn't run.

2012-01-19 18:41:29 Hi Remco,

You must have the older revision. We have stopped selling that version over 1 year ago. In that case you do not need to remove anything. This means the jumper is open. If you wish to only use 1 power source, then you should place a jumper wire between the two holes.

All the jumpers are black, I changed them in the graphic to make them stand out.

There are 2 ways to change the direction of the motor. It depends on what you need to do. If you are building a robot with 2 motors that you want to spin in the same direction, but one is spining the wrong way, you need to swap the wires on the board, negative change to positive, etc...

If you want to do it by software, just have a look at the sample code in the product wiki, reverse, and forward functions.

userHeadPic Hector
2012-01-19 15:18:38 That is definitely NOT a jumper, do I have a different revision maybe. My jumpers are black, not blue btw. userHeadPic remco
2012-01-19 13:09:13 Are you really really sure it can come off? It seems to be totally stuck, not at all like the other jumpers. Jumpers have a bit of metal in them, this looks more like something you can stick a pin or a wire in, not a jumper. userHeadPic remco
2012-01-19 07:25:44 Hi,

I'll try removing that jumper. I ripped a dc motor from an old printer and have supplied 3-9 volts.
If it does run what do I do to change the direction it spins?
userHeadPic remco
2012-01-18 19:02:48 **WARNING: The attached image is just a reference. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY 24V TO YOUR ROMEO! It will be damaged if you do!**

Hi Remco,

Welcome to the forum.

You do not need to change anything with the pins 4-7. These are already jumpered they are the same as the pins labeled "Motor control pin jumpers" in the wiki picture which describes all of the pins.

If you connect the USB cable to the Romeo and plan to supply additional power to the motors, you need to make sure you remove the "Vin=M_Vin" jumper, otherwise you will damage the Romeo. I have attached a picture detailing the connection so you can have an idea. The jumpers have been changed to blue.

What type of motor are you using, and how much voltage are you providing?

userHeadPic Hector