Bluno General Arduino

Tried Bluno Basic Demo with a Bluno Bee, does not receive Data

userHead Account cancelled 2019-01-16 02:11:24 4290 Views1 Replies

I recently bought the DFRobot IO Expansion & Motor Driver Shield with a Bluno Bee ( I am a newbie, so I followed the Bluno tutorial ( ... KU:DFR0267).

I uploaded the latest firmware for BLE-link (1.97), downloaded the APK (BlunoBasicDemo.apk) and upload the sketch (blunoBasicDemo.ino) in my arduino Uno.

In the App, I can "Scan" the devices and connect to the BLE-link. I see that it is "Connected" and when I try to send data I don't have any response...
AT commands works, the baud rate is 115200.

Have I skipped a step ? The app should respond with the same data I sent, right ?

Thank you for your help !
2019-01-16 16:57:42 Hi Bettina,
If you have the IO Expansion shield, have you tried to put on "Run" the button for serial port? If not, data can't be sent or received...


userHeadPic vanel.olivier