
DF15RSMG 360 Degree Motor

userHead jwerry 2019-01-21 11:08:08 5345 Views6 Replies
Is there a diagram showing the DF15RSMG 360 Degree Motor connected to a Romeo BLE?
Do you use the DC Motor connections?

There are a lot of diagrams showing DC motors connected to the Romeo BLE but none that I can find showing a DF15RSMG 360 Degree Motor connected.

I am wanting to connect two DF15RSMG 360 Degree Motors and control them separately through bluetooth.
2019-02-14 00:34:13 Thank you userHeadPic jwerry
2019-02-13 16:23:27 The GoBLE app is for IOS, we have a simple Android one. ...
Our BLE devices are different from normal ones because of the protocol.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-13 03:51:02 Isn't GoBle for Apple and not Android?
My question was about Android and why this board doesn't connect like other Bluetooth boards.
userHeadPic jwerry
2019-02-11 15:16:54 There is an app named GoBLE which can be used to connect to Romeo BLE, you can define your own code which can be used to control 360 degree servo. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-09 10:34:09 Am I missing something dealing with the Romeo BLE connection?
I can connect using the Bluno Basic Demo but can't with all the other Android Apps that use Bluetooth.
It won't connect like other Arduino Bluetooth boards I have, it also doesn't connect like most other Bluetooth device I have.
Again am I missing something.
The board appears to have a lot of potential but why aren't there any Android Robot Car apps that I can get to connect to the Romeo BLE?
userHeadPic jwerry
2019-01-21 11:18:23 The wiring of Servo motors are really simple that you can directly connect them to digital pins with PWM(which are D3 D5 D6 D9 D10 D11 D13), if you want to use bluetooth to control them, you can use Romeo BLE to control the servos and another bluno to send the command. userHeadPic robert.chen