Bluno General Arduino

Bluno Beetle 1.1 cant be found

userHead anderscarlberg74 2019-02-03 11:13:25 3058 Views2 Replies

I am struggling getting my Android 8.0 (Honor 8 Lite) phone to find the BLE device.
My really old Windows phone finds it every time.
Borrowed a iPhone and that found it as well.
My PC (Microsoft Surface Book 2, Windows 10) finds it sometimes.

What setting should i fiddle with to fix this?

I have so far tested with different settings:
and different firmware versions 1.93 - 1.97
using BlunoFWDownloaderV1.0_2 windows to update.

Is there a newer firmware then 1.97?
Downloaded from
Found something called SBLV1.0ToSBL2.0, is there a 2.x version of things?
Did I buy an old board? is there a newer version of the bluno beetle than 1.1?

Bought two Bluno Beetle (DFR0339), one is still untouched.. same problem with both.

Any advice/help is appreciated.

2019-02-04 09:00:10 Found this: ... n.EF.BC.89

Read Q12 and Q16...
Maybe thats my issue..?

Is there a list or compatible android phones, or is there some specific feature I should look for if I want to find a phone that works with this ble device?
userHeadPic anderscarlberg74
2019-02-03 11:32:02 .. forgot to mention..
I have a bunch of other ble devices that I have no problem finding..
And yes, I have used the Bluno Remote app from the store and BlunoBasicDemo.apk and other ble/gatt apps trying to find the bluno beetle...
userHeadPic anderscarlberg74