
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor SKU:SEN0193

userHead Janykovaa 2019-02-13 18:40:44 2538 Views3 Replies
I am trying to make a scale for this sensor which can estimate the volume percentage of water in the soil. I've done a couple of measurements for different percentages (0%, 5%, 10% in steps of 5% to 50%, at which time it turns into very wet mud). I've now got a trendline which seems to be lineair. Should this indeed be a lineair line, or did I do something wrong?
2019-02-18 15:05:20 The relation between voltage and moisture is not linear, if you don't need to have an accurate measurement you can see this relation as linear. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-02-15 15:56:09 Can you specify what you mean by the word "factor"? What we did is that we took a volume of dry earth (we put it in a stove from a laboratory, so it was as close as 0 vol% water as we could get it) and mixed in a certain amount of water to get our value. userHeadPic Janykovaa
2019-02-14 16:00:08 The soil moisture is not linear as I know, what is the factor you use for your test, you can just get a qualitative result. userHeadPic robert.chen