
Romeo BLE mini, RoboClaw dual 60amp MC

userHead Account cancelled 2019-02-24 04:30:02 3437 Views1 Replies
Hello all,

Hey I’m new to this forum and robotics in general. I am motorizing my 260lbs location sound cart with 2 36v 450w motors in a differential steering setup using the RoboClaw dual 60a motor controller. I am planning on using analog control with a joystick which is pretty straight forward.

I also have a dfrobot Romeo BLE mini that I would like to try.
So I cannot use the m1,m2 that is built into the board right? Would I just use the pins instead?

Any help is appreciated.
2019-02-25 10:14:33 You can use the pins directly, but the output current is only 1.2A, it may not drive your motor. userHeadPic robert.chen