
BLE Wireless Gamepad V2 SKU (DFR0304) Issues

userHead Account cancelled 2019-02-26 04:18:10 2441 Views0 Replies
I have a BLE Gamepad, as the subject, but not a bluno board.

First I try to upgrade the firmware to the latest version, but the software to use to upgrade tell me "Download Timeout".
The only way I see to show the serial port to the PC is:
- power up
- press select
- press and hold analog
- put the usb cable to pc
- release the analog button

I tryed to follow what is written in the wiki but something is not work ...

Another issue is about how to connect and use the gamepad with arduino (for example how to connect to HM-10 module) but I don't find a way to get in. It is possible to do or I need the bluno board?
