
SIM 808 gps lat & long data inaccurate

userHead pio.cuervo 2019-03-06 23:19:55 1295 Views2 Replies
So i was using the sample example code for extracting the gps data on DFRobot Sim 808 library and i notice that the coordinates shown on the serial monitor were inaccurate and doesn't really show my same exact location. and i was searching for the net for some answers i noticed that there are people who have the same problem as me. i was wondering if someone has the edited file of the .cpp file of dfrobot in acquiring the accurate gps data.

Thanks in advance
2019-03-13 17:29:34 i already modified the cpp from this viewtopic.php?t=7372 and already got an accurate gps location so its solved now, thanks for answering userHeadPic pio.cuervo
2019-03-12 15:39:06 Did you just use the sample code? what is the error you got about your result? userHeadPic robert.chen