
LCD Keypad Shield

userHead waynerr 2019-03-14 19:34:31 7660 Views5 Replies
I have some experience with electronics. I have next to none with Arduino. Pardon me.
I have an Elegoo Mega 2560 R3 Arduino. I have a DFRobot 0009 LCD Keypad Shield. V1.1
I have two type questions about them, please.
!) Can you stack the LCD shield on to the Arduino and it will work, or do you need to put it onto a breadboard and wire it that way. I told you I knew nothing about them.
2) I can make no sense of the upper rows of connectors. can someone explain them to me ?
I understand the connectors down where the buttons, power, and analog connects are.
I do not understand the connectors of the LCD board of the Potiometer edge. I cannot figure t the top, the bottom connectors,, or the pads I need to access.
I hope I am making sense. I hope I I do not sound too new-bee. They say you never know till you
ask. I hope you agree.
Well Thank you,
2019-03-25 05:09:14 Thanks Robert,
I would have been back sooner. My computer hick-upped. It refused to do what I wanted to do. All is well now. 'I' fixed it.

I now have some answers I did not have before. I feel like I have a direction to head moving forward.
I did not know the LCD stacked onto the Arduino, now I do.
I figured the upper pins on the shield are not supposed to match the lower pins.
The upper sockets on the shield are something I really do not need to worry about, yet. That is coming.

Except for a pin, or two, here or there, that leaves just the Analog, Digital and the Power pins. That I think I can deal with. :)

I thank you so much. Once I start to get over the first hump, I get going from there. You have helped me over.

Again, Thanks,

userHeadPic waynerr
2019-03-19 16:19:47 The 7 black sockets is used for the connection of modules like our Bluetooth 2.0 module (TEL0026), it is for the easy connection. the labeled are TX/RX positions. userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-03-19 11:05:35 Hi,
I have looked over the Arduino board. The pins on the board are well labeled . I will just have to figure their purpose and how they are used.
The LCD shield board, is different for me. A lot of the pins do not seems even to be labeled at all.
The edge of the board with the switches are pretty clear for me. They all make sense to me and they match the pins on the Arduino UNO.
The connectors on the edge with the contrast pot. I do not understand the seven position female connector up top does not match the UNO
and only has four positions labeled and they are not connected to the pins on the bottom.
The pins at the opposite end of the board, to the contrast pot, the top do not connect to the bottom The top labels do not match the UNO.
I do believe I am starting to getting a glimmer of understanding, 1, the upper and lower pins are not supposed to be connected, correct ?
userHeadPic waynerr
2019-03-18 14:27:18 Hi
You can stack the LCD shield on UNO and use them directly, you don't need a breadboard.
Can you specify which row do you mean, because this is also an expansion shield, besides the pins used for LCD, the other pins on UNO then connected to the pins on the shield, that's the other pins on the shield.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2019-03-17 02:06:24 Hello,
As I said, I have next to no experience with Arduino. I said I had a Elegoo Mega 2560 board. I imagine not everyone has heard of it.
I have a new board now. I think a lot more people know this board. I still have trouble understanding the connectors.
The board is an
Arduino UNO R3
along with the DFROBOT DFR0009 LCD Keypad Shield.
Please, may I ask where I can find the type of help I am looking for ? It will be much appreciated
userHeadPic waynerr