
Analog Rotary Switch Module V1 with Linear Track Actuator

userHead eng.galadwani 2019-04-02 00:39:20 3946 Views3 Replies

I just bought the rotary switch to set it up with a linear actuator (DC Motor) for position feedback. I want each detente on the encoder represents a certain position in the linear track actuator.

Is that possible to do or this encoder won't be suitable for this application ?

I really appreciate any help.
2019-04-05 23:22:30 How can I do that using Arduino UNO? I am working with 12V Linear Track Actuator. I know that Arduino is operable at 5V but how can I convert the 5V to 12V signals in order to get the Linear Actuator to move?

Thank you very much for your help.
userHeadPic eng.galadwani