
Micro DC Motor with Encoder-SJ01 SKU: FIT0450 - Negative reading only

userHead blaze_3003 2019-04-17 20:42:57 2891 Views1 Replies
I am having trouble with the basic read out of the encoder.

When I fire up the motor I only get Negative numbers. Then randomly I will get Positive numbers once every 100th time i spin her up. Most commonly though I will just get a 0 reading for forward direction.

I am using the code 1 example given on the data sheet. Each pin is done correctly and I am using the Nano which is same (kind of not really) as Mega 2560.

6v applied to motor, 5v to the encoder.

What am i missing here?
2019-04-17 20:57:04 Never mind - Fixed the issue. Something short circuited and it is now working. userHeadPic blaze_3003