
DFR0065 FTDI Basic Breakout not recognized by Windows 10

userHead clough42 2019-04-30 07:12:01 1376 Views1 Replies
I purchased a DFR0065 FTDI Basic Breakout from the DFRobot store on Amazon. When I plug it into my computer with a USB cable, the TX and RX lights flash once and it shows no further activity. Windows does not recognize it or attempt to install drivers. It does not show up in Device Manager under the Ports or USB sections, even as an unrecognized device.

I returned it to Amazon as defective and received a replacement today, which does the same thing. I have tried two different USB cables and two different computers.

I downloaded the drivers from, but of course I can't do anything with them without a recognized device to apply them to.

Am I missing something?

Did I get two defective products in a row?
2019-04-30 07:19:30 I tried a third USB cable and a third computer, and it worked.

Looks like I had TWO bad USB cables. Sorry for the trouble.
userHeadPic clough42