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Arduino MKR1000 & DFRobot Liquid Level Sensor Compatibility

userHead james.b.hall 2019-05-02 18:17:08 5698 Views2 Replies
I have purchased the Arduino MKR1000 & DFRobot Liquid Level Sensor IR02 for a work project and was wondering whether the 2 are compatible without further components.

To advise, I have downloaded the software for the Arduino MKR1000 and run a few of the example programs like Blink successfully.

The DFRobot Liquid Level Sensor IR02 comes with a 3pin adaptor that I have tried on the Arduino MKR1000 without success, I was curious as to whether any other components are required to get these to work together or whether I'm doing something wrong.

Code being used:

int Liquid_level=0;
void setup() {

void loop() {
Serial.print("Liquid_level= ");Serial.println(Liquid_level,DEC);

Thanks in advance for any replies.
2019-05-14 14:44:52 Hi, thanks for the reply, the SKU number is: FS-IR02 V1.0 userHeadPic james.b.hall