
PH meter: SKU SEN0161 - Gravity: Analog pH Sensor/Meter Kit V2 for Arduino

userHead Account cancelled 2019-05-20 06:24:44 3760 Views1 Replies
I have recently purchased two of the SKU SEN0161-V2, Gravity: Analog pH Sensor/Meter Kit V2 for Arduino. I have successfully wired and connected to my UNO R3. I am running the suggested code from the DFRobot website and I am able to get it to compile and load properly. I can successfully open the serial monitor and get a reading of typically around 5.55, with no defined offset. I can get small variants of this reading, but none seem very accurate. The pH value from the serial monitor wouldn't move much, maybe .5 if I was lucky once when attempting readings on different solutions. I have a handheld pH meter and I have used that to validate the accuracy of the 7.0 and 4.0 calibration solutions. I have tried both probes with the code and wiring configuration and have experienced the same effect.

I am currently running the code from

When I tried to run the code from the V2 WIKI, the display output was displaying random numbers and letters, and when I would send input to the console to try to calibrate, the input had zero effect, so I went back to the code from above as it runs well, outputs a time stamp, Voltage reading and a pH value.... its just that no matter what liquid I put my pH probe in, the numbers from the pH output don't change... the 4.0 and 7.0 solutions that came with the probe have no effect, despite working for my handheld pH meter.

Is there something I am supposed to do to calibrate this? Any ideas on what might be going on? Code seems good and executes fine. I can't imagine two probes would be defective but wanted to email and see what I might be doing wrong.

Thank you in advance! :)
2019-06-18 03:30:31 So I have one of these that I got in March but just plugged in, and my sensor is similarly incredibly off


I at least get a difference in pH between the 4.0 and 7.0 calibration solutions ... but my sensor/meter reads the 4.0 as having a (much) higher pH than the 7.0

I'm hoping someone from DFrobot has ideas, but these forums don't seem very well-traveled...
userHeadPic Craig.Jariz