
Gravity: Analog Infrared CO2 Sensor Output Anomaly (SKU:SEN0219)

userHead Account cancelled 2019-05-24 15:15:58 2972 Views1 Replies
I'm seeing a regularly occurring anomaly on the output voltage from the sensor as shown in the figure:

This repeats regularly every 5 seconds. Is this normal for the sensor and what causes it? Is it possible to get rid of it at the sensor side or do I need to filter it out in software afterwards?

Edit: The power supply voltage drops along with the sensor voltage, so I guess the sensor is drawing more current every 5 sec (pre heating?) and the power supply doesn't keep up (RPi Zero 5V, ESP32 5V output).
Edit2: This post reports the same issue: viewtopic.php?t=3128
2019-05-30 11:04:03 For this graph, I don't think it's working properly, the data doesn't look right. Is there calibration before use? userHeadPic techsupport