
[DFR0492] FireBeetle 328P with BLE4.1 LowPower issues

userHead squal2001 2019-05-28 17:08:24 2559 Views4 Replies
Since few days I have been fighting with FireBeetle Board-328P with BLE4.1 (SKU: DFR0492) to utilise it's promising low power mode but I am experiencing some major issue with data transmission between BLE4.1 chip and 328P which is on board of DFR0492.

Following use case works correctly when Low Power mode is set to OFF.

What I am trying to do (AT+LOWPOWER=ON, AT+UART=9600, powered from external source, not connected to USB):
1. Power on the board
2. Connect to the FireBeetle from an iOS app
3. Do some echo between FireBeetle and iOS (mobile app sends data to the FireBettle and the latter should send it back)
4. It works good for about 30s (this varies actually) and then the echo does not work anymore (FireBeetle responds with nulls only) despite the devices are still connected.
5. Disconnect bluetooth
6. Connect to BLE4.1 again, but is responds with only nulls again.
7. Do some more Disconnect/Connect cycles but still only nulls.
8. Disconnect power source.
9. Go to step 1.

When I connect the board to USB then I can see the bluetooth communication between BLE4.1 and the app and when I enter some data into serial monitor, it is transmitted to the iOS app correctly.
It looks like the problem is in communication between BLE4.1 and 328P in Low Power mode.

I would appreciate any help!

I am testing with following sketch:
Code: Select all
void setup() {
  while (!Serial);

void loop() {
  while (Serial.available()) {
    char c =;
// Edit
I am using BLE Firmware ver. 1.13
2019-06-10 17:00:05 I have discovered recently that the serial communication issue happens also after watchdog reset, even when AT+LOWPOWER is set to OFF. userHeadPic squal2001
2019-06-06 19:59:42 Hi, do you have any estimates about fixing low power mode? This is a serious issue for a battery powered applications and I do not know if I should look for another modules to replace the FireBeetle 328P.
Best regards!
userHeadPic squal2001
2019-05-29 17:32:12 Thank you very much such a fast response!
Looking forward for any updates.
userHeadPic squal2001