
How to reconnect I2C LCD when it goes into no responding

userHead ming_mike 2019-06-12 06:13:18 1901 Views3 Replies
I am using I2C LCD in a very noisy environment(heavy EMI). LCD goes into no responding easily. I want to know whether we have a software solution to reconnect or refresh LCD.
I don't want to restart (power off then power on) LCD to handle heavy EMI issue. It takes time to initialize LCD.
Can anyone help me?

PS. I do not use it on Arduino platform. I have written code to drive it on TI DSP platform. DSP is used to control a power electronics circuit. I2C port is close to the circuit so it is influenced by heavy EMI.
2019-06-12 10:43:58 DFR0555 and DFR0556 userHeadPic ming_mike