
Light Barrier to detect hight of object?

userHead richard.nussdorfer 2019-06-13 02:00:42 2206 Views2 Replies
I am looking for light barriers, that can detect a special hight of an objekt.
1. lb = there is an object
2. lb = perfect hight
3. lb = too high
+/- 1,5mm difference to perfect hight, 9mm hight and 7mm diameter.
Is there an hardware I could use?
2019-06-14 13:44:02 Hi, seam to be perfect, I need to try. THX
Just to be shure, never used such a thing before, the holes in the corners are for mounting screws and the black chip in the midle of the back side is the sensor?

What is the circular range of detection. I do not need the exact distance, I need a detection in Area (+/-1,5mm hight) like a Laser dot. Could this be done with a cover?
userHeadPic richard.nussdorfer
2019-06-14 10:16:49 It sounds like you are looking for a high-precision range finder module. We have tested the laser range finder of VL53L1X before. If it is well calibrated, it can reach an accuracy of 1mm. Or you can try this: Search = SEN0245 userHeadPic techsupport