
Bluno Beetle BLE troubleshooting

userHead treii28 2019-06-26 20:40:58 2923 Views2 Replies
I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem I very likely caused on my new Bluno Beetle BLE.

Initially I had trouble pairing and getting the BLE to work in blynk. The website spoke of some kind of 'AT' command mode that I couldn't seem to trigger via a serial connection and I thought the problem might be that I had already uploaded a sketch to the atmega. So I was trying to follow the instructions on the website to put any original firmware into it.

I tried jumping over to the windows boot-up on my computer and used the flash upload tool as described (holding down 'boot' while powering up) and it seemed to upload just fine. But I still couldn't get any AT mode. After trying a couple of other things back over on the linux side, I was trying to figure out if there was a way I could try uploading the .bin file using avrdude so I didn't have to constantly keep rebooting in windows to do it as the flash uploader would not work under wine and would not work under virtualbox.

I thought I had finally found the right combination of avrdude parameters when I suddenly noticed it wasn't in the flashing 'boot' mode. It froze at 98% and eventually timed out. After this happened, it stopped receiving sketches on the USB.

I assumed it had tried to push the .bin file to the atmega instead of to the cc2540. To verify, I booted back to windows, put the beetle back into the 'boot' mode and re-ran the binary firmware uploader and it seemed to complete an upload just fine. I checked on my phone, and I could see the ble device.

By then I'd learned the problem with pairing was a need to use '000000' instead of '0000'. It pairs just fine.

The USB serial port shows up just fine (as com13 in windows or /dev/ttyACM0 in linux). The Arduino IDE detects it as Arduino UNO. But it won't upload a sketch. AVRdude just times out.

avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding

So I connected via the ICSP1. It uploads a sketch just fine. I can get the onboard LED to blink with the standard blink sketch. I figured fine - I need to do a one shot on programming this thing, so I'll just program it this way.

But it doesn't seem to have access to any of the digital pins and I need to flash an LED and beep a passive peizo buzzer. I set blink to toggle all 4 digital ports high and low on 1sec intervals and none of the 4 show any alteration in output.

So ok, maybe something in the fuse settings is screwed up right? I try to burn bootloader using Arduino as ISP, and I get:

'avrdude: stk500_disable(): unknown response=0x12
Error while burning bootloader.

Is something hozed on my beetle or is there a fix?
2019-07-03 03:53:55 I was eventually able to get the bootloader to upload and I'm now able to get sketches to upload again via the serial port. I soldered some thin wires to the icsp1 connections and was using them with an ArduinoISP. However, when connecting MOSI<->MOSI and MISO<->MISO as labelled in the docs was when I was having trouble. When I tried flipping them around, it worked. I'm not sure if the docs are incorrect or not (they also showed the ICSP1 on the left rather than the right side so it may be for another device) userHeadPic treii28