
Sudden network issues with 5" HDMI TFT Touch Screen

userHead Account cancelled 2019-06-29 14:34:55 6272 Views2 Replies
I'm in the middle of a project with a Raspi and the 5" TFT HDMI display, and have been working on the project directly on the PI for days.
Then earlier this week, when I powered on the PI to continue working on the project, it wouldn't communicating with the network (WiFi).
It would get an IP address intermittently, but would report that the network could not be reached when I tried to to ping another computer on the network.

I've been debugging this for days, until I tonight decided to remove the PI from the display and debug it standalone. Look and behold, network was back and working perfectly. :o
I connected the display again, and laid it flat against the table next to the PI.
Network was still working.
Attached the PI loosely to be back of the display, and the WIFI network stopped working - could not get an IP any more.
Then I attached the PI to the display using 10mm stand-offs, to create extra space between the PI and the display, Now network was working again, with the PI attached.

It looks like there is some interference that it emitted by display that interfere with the WIFI network on the PI.
Has anyone seen this before. And is there something I can do to make the PI WIFI work reliably without the extra stand-off?